University Policy 6602

机密的员工s 不满 Policy and Procedure

  • Responsible Oversight Executive: Vice 总统 for 人力资源
  • 日期 of Current Revision or Creation: 2018年2月14日
  • 下载政策PDF

本政策的目的是建立申诉程序在最靠谱的网赌软件,并确保遵守, 和实施, the Commonwealth's 不满 Procedure for classified employees.

Code of Virginia Section 23.第1-1301条,经修正,授予访问委员会制定有关该机构的规则和政策的权力. 第六节.第01(a)(6)条 参观委员会 Bylaws 授权校长执行董事会与大学运作有关的政策及程序.

的 Virginia Personnel Act, Code of Virginia Section 2.2-2900 et. seq., 修订的具体规定机构首长应为其各自机构的任命当局,并应在其机构内制定人事管理方法.

Commonwealth of Virginia Office of Equal 就业 and Dispute Resolution

Commonwealth's Department of Human Resource Man年龄ment Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct

Adverse 就业 Action - Any employment action resulting in an adverse effect on the terms, 条件, or benefits of employment.

机构负责人 - 的 head of the state 年龄ncy. At Old Dominion University, this is the 总统.

Arbitrary or Capricious - In disregard of the facts or without a reasoned basis.

机密的员工 - A salaried employee whose terms and 条件 of employment are subject to the Virginia Personnel Act, Code of Virginia Section 2.2-2900等序列.,经修订, and who is employed in a classified position.

被第 -员工的直接主管(负责完成绩效评估或给予日常工作指导的个人).

不满 - Written complaint on the 不满 Form stating the nature of the claim, the facts in support of the claim, and the relief requested.

听力 -申诉双方的会议,由英联邦平等就业和争端解决办公室指定的第三方对申诉作出回应.

听证官 -由联邦平等就业和争端解决办公室任命的第三方官员,负责主持申诉听证会并就申诉事项作出裁决.

Second-Step Respondent - 的 Dean or Director.

第三步的 - 的 Vice 总统 or comparable senior administrator.

书面通知 -当咨询未能纠正不当行为或绩效问题,或当员工犯下更严重的罪行时,签发的正式纪律文件. A 书面通知 may be accompanied by additional actions including suspension, 降职或调职,减少职责和纪律处分, a transfer to an equivalent position in a different work area, 或终止. 书面通知根据不当行为或行为的严重程度分为三组.

本政策适用于所有非试用的机密雇员 Virginia Personnel Act.


大学和英联邦鼓励解决员工问题和投诉,员工可以自由地与直接主管和上层管理人员讨论他们的担忧. Old Dominion University的政策是支持员工和管理层公平、及时地解决工作场所出现的投诉,并适当地执行分类员工申诉政策和程序.

When an employee is unable to resolve a complaint informally, 他/她可以根据联邦平等就业和争议解决申诉程序手册提出正式申诉.

  1. A grievance shall be a complaint or dispute of an employee relating to employment. Not all grievances proceed to a hearing. Only grievances that challenge certain actions 有资格 for a hearing.

    1. 行动, 自动 有资格

      1. Formal discipline (a 书面通知)

      2. Dismissal for unsatisfactory performance

    2. 行动, 可能有资格

      的 grievance should 有资格 for a hearing if (i) it claims, (ii)作为一个整体的事实提出了一个足够的问题,即不利的雇佣行动是否由于以下一项或多项而发生:

      1. Unfair application or misapplication of state and 年龄ncy personnel policies, 程序, 规则, 法规.

      2. Discrimination on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 政治面貌, 年龄, 残疾, national origin or sex;

      3. Arbitrary or capricious performance evaluation;

      4. Retaliation for participating in the grievance process, 守法的:遵守法律或向政府当局报告违反法律的行为, seeking to change any law before Congress or the General Assembly, reporting an incidence of fraud, 滥用, or gross misman年龄ment, or exercising any right otherwise protected by law; or

      5. Informal discipline - for example, 终止妊娠, 转移, 作业, 降职, 以及没有正式纪律处分(书面通知),但主要是出于纪律原因而采取的停学.

    3. 行动,  有资格

      Claims that relate solely to the following issues 不 有资格 for a hearing:

      1. 工资、薪金、职位分类或一般福利的制定或修订;

      2. 法规、条例、人事政策、程序、规章制度的内容;

      3. Means, methods, and personnel by which work activities are undertaken;

      4. Hiring, promotion, transfer, assignment and retention of employees;

      5. 终止, 裁员, 降级, or suspension from duties because of lack of work, reduction in workforce, 或者废除工作;

      6. 雇员接受作为受雇条件的工作活动,或可合理预期为工作内容的一部分的工作活动;

      7. Relief of employees from duties in emergencies; or

      8. Informal supervisory actions - for example, 中期评估, 咨询备忘录(包括行为准则下的“正式(书面)咨询”), 口头谴责.

      的 fact that the claim challenges an action under F.1.c. does not preclude it from 有资格ing if it would otherwise 有资格 under F.1.b.


  2. 的 grievance procedure consists of four levels:

    1. 管理解决步骤-最靠谱的网赌软件指定了以下管理步骤受访者:

      1. First Resolution Step - Immediate supervisor

      2. Second Resolution Step - Dean or Director

      3. Third Resolution Step - Vice 总统 or comparable senior administrator

    2. 听证资格-听证资格由院长根据申诉程序手册中提供的指导方针决定.

    3. 听证会-由联邦平等就业和争端解决办公室指定的第三方在当地进行.

    4. 对听证决定的复审-申诉人和机构均可进行行政和司法复审,并在《最靠谱的网赌软件》中作了说明.

  3. 联邦平等就业和争端解决办公室向听证官的服务机构收取固定费率的费用. This fee is paid by the ODU department where the grievant works or worked.

  4. Complete 程序 concerning the classified employee grievance process, including definitions of the man年龄ment steps, prescribed timeframes for action, 听证会和表格可在ODU人力资源部或联邦平等就业和争端解决办公室获得.

投诉记录在流程结束后保留5年,然后按照法律销毁 联邦记录保留和处置时间表(通用103,系列100490).

Director of 人力资源 for Employee Relations and Strategic 倡议


Policy Formulation Committee (PFC) & 负责人员 Approval to Proceed:

/s/ JaRenae E. 怀特海德

负责人员 Signature



Policy 审查 Committee (PRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 唐娜W. 米克斯

Chair, Policy 审查 Committee (PRC)



Executive Policy 审查 Committee (EPRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 9月Sanderlin

Responsible Oversight Executive Signature



大学法律顾问 Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 詹姆斯D. 莱特





/s/ 约翰R. 布罗德里克




以前的版本: December 1, 1988; June 24, 2010; 2018年2月14日

Scheduled 审查 日期: 2023年2月14日